
Tags in the application provide a unique and powerful way to organize and manipulate data based on specific criteria. By filtering datasets and tagging matching rows, users can efficiently perform conditional tasks on subsets of data, streamlining complex data processing workflows.

Getting Started with Tags

Filtering and Tagging

Begin by filtering your dataset based on the desired criteria using the filter task. Once the rows matching the criteria are identified, apply the tag action to tag these rows accordingly.

Utilizing Tagged Rows

  • Once rows are tagged, you can perform various tasks exclusively on these tagged rows using any other tasks available in the application.
  • Apply tasks to the dataset, ensuring that they target only the tagged rows, thereby performing conditional operations as required.

Example case to better understand

For this example assume you have this table:

Country Category Channel Units Sold
South Africa Fruits Offline 1593
Morocco Clothes Online 4611
Papua New Guinea Meat Offline 360
Djibouti Clothes Offline 562
Slovakia Beverages Offline 3973
Sri Lanka Fruits Online 1379
Seychelles Beverages Online 597
Tanzania Beverages Online 1476
Ghana Office Supplies Online 896
Tanzania Cosmetics Offline 7768
Taiwan Fruits Offline 8034

and you want to replace all Fruits but only when Channel is Online

In Refinator it looks like


1. Step - mark all Online rows

Click on Content -> Filter and match rows in column 3, match rows with content Online and as action Add tag


2. Step - check your results

Now you have new column with tag that you created


3. Step - replace data

Now you can replace data Content -> Replace but only if particular row has selected tag


4. Step - check your results

Applied task updated data but only for rows with tag. Check row with ID: 7 only this row was changed



This technique can be used for many tasks, you can create as many tags as you want to.

Another example might be to multiply Units Sold value by 1.1 but only for Clothes

  • Create new tag using Content -> Filter for Category which is number 2 in this example
  • Apply math operation Content -> Math for Units Sold which is number 4, select new tag, select operation with value and add task